Gas Modular Skids

August 20, 2024
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Gas modular skids are prefabricated units with all critical gas processing and transportation components. In specific applications, these modular solutions can provide highly desirable results.

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Reduced construction costs and shorter project timelines are critical in the gas industry. Modular solutions, such as gas modular skids, are increasingly being used to meet these requirements. Gas modular skids are prefabricated units with all critical gas processing and transportation components. 

These modular solutions can provide highly desirable results for specific capital projects. This article will discuss how gas modular skids are designed and used and answer general questions about their various applications.

Modular Process Systems FAQs

There are various modular process systems being utilized throughout the industry. Understanding their different applications is critical for selecting the best solutions for your capital project. This FAQ section answers frequently asked questions about gas modular skids and related systems.

What is a Gas Modular Skid?

A gas modular skid is a pre-assembled, compact unit for various gas processing tasks. It integrates multiple components into a single steel-reinforced modular unit. 

What is a Modular Skid?

A modular skid is a pre-engineered, self-contained system that includes all the equipment required for a particular industrial process. Modular skids can be engineered to meet various project requirements and specific applications. 

What is an OPTF Skid?

An OPTF (Oil Processing and Treatment Facility) skid is a specialized modular oil treatment and processing unit. It is similar in concept to gas modular skids but focuses on oil-related applications.

What is a Natural Gas Skid?

A natural gas skid is a modular system designed explicitly for treating, compressing, and distributing natural gas. These skids are essential for improving safety in the natural gas industry.

How are Gas Modular Skids Used?

Gas modular skids are used in several applications, including gas compression, filtration, transportation, and metering. The main applications include:

  • Compression: Boosting gas pressure for transportation and storage.
  • Filtration: Removing impurities to ensure clean gas output.
  • Metering: Accurately measuring gas flow rates for monitoring and billing.
  • Treatment: Conditioning gas to meet quality standards before distribution.
  • Transport: Facilitating the safe and efficient movement of gas between locations.

The Process of Creating Gas Modular Skids

Gas modular skids are pre-engineered, pre-fabricated units designed to handle specific processes within the energy and chemicals industries. Here’s a list of common applications for gas modular skids:

1. Gas Processing Skids

  • Gas Dehydration Skids: Used to remove water vapor from natural gas to prevent pipeline corrosion and hydrate formation.
  • Amine Gas Treating Skids: Utilized to remove hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from natural gas.
  • Molecular Sieve Skids: Employed for removing water and other impurities from natural gas using molecular sieves.

2. Gas Compression Skids

  • Natural Gas Compression Skids: Used to increase the pressure of natural gas for transportation through pipelines or for storage.
  • Booster Compressor Skids: Employed to boost the pressure of gas from lower-pressure sources for further processing or transmission.

3. Metering and Measurement Skids

  • Custody Transfer Metering Skids: Used to measure the quantity and quality of gas being transferred between parties for commercial purposes.
  • Flow Measurement Skids: Used to accurately measure the flow rate of gas within pipelines or during processing.

4. Gas Filtration and Separation Skids

  • Coalescing Filtration Skids: Employed to remove liquid droplets and solid particles from gas streams.
  • Slug Catcher Skids: Used to separate large volumes of liquid (slugs) from the gas before entering further processing units.

5. Pressure Regulation and Control Skids

  • Pressure Reducing Skids: Used to reduce the pressure of natural gas to a desired level before further distribution or use.
  • Pressure Relief Skids: Designed to safely release excess pressure to prevent equipment damage or catastrophic failure.

6. Gas Cooling and Heating Skids

  • Gas Cooling Skids: Used to lower the temperature of gas after compression to meet pipeline temperature specifications.
  • Gas Heating Skids: Employed to raise the temperature of gas, often before pressure reduction to avoid hydrate formation.

7. Fuel Gas Conditioning Skids

  • Fuel Gas Conditioning Skids: Used to treat and condition gas for use as fuel in turbines, engines, or other combustion equipment.

8. Gas Blending Skids

  • Gas Blending Skids: Used to blend different gas streams to achieve a specific composition or calorific value.

9. Vapor Recovery Skids

  • Vapor Recovery Skids: Employed to capture and recover valuable vapors from storage tanks, pipelines, or process units to prevent emissions and increase efficiency.

10. Nitrogen Generation Skids

  • Nitrogen Generation Skids: Used to produce nitrogen gas on-site for purging, inerting, or blanketing applications in gas processing and handling.

These modular skids are designed for flexibility and ease of installation, allowing for faster deployment and lower costs compared to traditional, on-site built systems. They can be customized to meet specific requirements and are often used in remote or offshore locations where space and infrastructure are limited.

Advantages of Gas Modular Skids

The advantages of modular construction apply to specific projects with unique modular drivers and requirements. In some cases, a traditional construction approach may be required. The choice between modular and stick-built construction, or a combination of the two, should be carefully considered and based on the project's specific requirements.

Potential Advantages of Gas Modular Skids


Potentially lower due to efficiencies in production and assembly. Cost assessment is necessary due to potentially increased steel and transport costs.


Shorter construction periods through prefabrication and planning, minimizing on-site work.


Requires less skilled labor on-site, reducing overall costs.


Enhanced safety due to controlled shop conditions, reducing risks associated with prolonged on-site activities.


It is easier to manage with quality control in shop settings, ensuring consistency and reliability.


Suitable for various applications, though designs need to be finalized early. Offers scalable solutions for diverse needs.

H+M Modular: Gas Modular Skids

Gas modular skids are reinventing the gas industry with efficient, safe, cost-effective solutions. However, securing the best project outcome will depend on working with the right contractor with established experience in modular process system engineering. 

H+M Modular specializes in designing and fabricating truckable modules, providing exceptional capital project execution from concept to start-up for clients across the United States. From our engineering and fabrication headquarters in Houston, Texas, we can transport your project to wherever you are. For over three decades, we have provided end-to-end solutions for a wide range of project sizes within the energy, chemical, and terminals and logistics industries.

We are dedicated to providing trust, experience, and efficiency through all stages of engineering, procurement, and construction through our proven strategic EPC approach. Our comprehensive services, including front-end planning, detail engineering and design, procurement, fabrication, and construction allow us to take your modular process plant project from conception to completion, tailoring engineering and design solutions to meet your unique needs.

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To find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of turnkey projects and how H+M Industrial EPC can meet your capital project needs, contact us through our website today.

To find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of turnkey projects and how H+M Modular can meet your capital project needs, contact us through our website today.

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The H+M Industrial Team

For over three decades, we have provided best-in-class capital project management services to Energy and Chemical industries through our proven EPC approach. We are dedicated to providing trust, experience, and efficiency through all stages of engineering, procurement, and construction--on budget and on time.

Partnering with H+M Modular

H+M Modular, a division of H+M Industrial EPC, specializes in custom fabricated equipment, modules, and skids for energy and chemical industries. The approach emphasizes the potential for decreased risk through more controlled fabrication, leading to enhanced quality and safety, reduced labor costs and construction times, improved labor availability, and solutions to geographic challenges. We are dedicated to providing trust, experience, and efficiency through all stages of traditional and modular construction projects using our proven EPFC approach, If you're considering modular fabrication, we invite you to connect with us to learn about how modular solutions can improve project outcomes.

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