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On-Site vs. Off-Site Construction: The Pros and Cons

Understanding the pros and cons of on-site vs. off-site construction and determining capital project constraints can help you determine the optimal choice.

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How Construction Risk Profiles Affect Cost Estimates

When developing construction risk profiles, there are several important risk factors to consider, including schedule, location, and safety concerns.

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Managing Quality Risks in Construction

Managing quality risks in construction is critical for capital project success. Improper management can lead to rework, overruns, or project shutdown.

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10 Capital Project Management Best Practices

Implementing capital project management best practices is critical for success for projects of all sizes and can reduce the likelihood of project overruns.

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HSE Risk Management in Capital Projects

Finding a contractor for a successful capital project includes many factors, such as how they handle HSE risk management.

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Methods for EPC Project Risk Management

For capital project success, contractors should use EPC project risk management for schedule, cost, quality, safety, and environmental concerns.

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How to Leverage EPC for Capital Projects

Leveraging EPC for capital projects can significantly reduce project risk and provide superior project delivery certainty regarding cost and schedule.

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Using Laser Scanning In Construction: Constructability in Capital Projects

By using laser scanning in construction for constructability purposes contractors can improve the overall outcome of the project.

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Technology in Fabrication

Implementing the process of off-site fabrication into the daily work process can take time and energy that many may not find beneficial, unsure if it is the right decision. There is also a need for an increase in technology in one’s fabrication efforts to make the benefit worthwhile. The key performance indicators for the success of pre-fabrication include reduced/improved risk, improved cost, and improved schedule.

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Industrial Safety | Capital Project Word of the Week - November 2020

The Safety-themed Capital Project Words include Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), Experience Modification Rate (EMR), Process Safety Management (PSM), Behavior-Based Safety (BBS), and Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

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BIC Alliance Interviews H+M's Director of QA/QC

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The Best Practice of Laser Scanning

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Reducing the Risk of Catastrophic Safety Events in Capital Projects

This webinar reviews how to mitigate risks that have potentially catastrophic consequences in the construction phase of small-medium capital projects.

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Quality Essentials for Welding in Industrial Settings

Learn more about the quality essentials for welding in industrial applications from a contractor that cares about quality and safety.

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Conventional Vs Computed Radiography

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